Share your stories about how red tape is holding back your business.

Businesses are the backbone of our nation, employing 11 million of the 13 million people working in Australia. Businesses create jobs, ship Australian products and services around the world, embrace innovation and breathe life into our towns and cities.

So, why are we holding back our businesses with excessive, unnecessary and out-of-date regulations?

Excessive red tape slows down businesses and services which means we all pay more and have fewer choices.

Red tape costs the economy about $176 billion every year which is over $19,000 to the average household.

There’s a better way.

Smarter regulations can protect us and what we value, encourage competition and create opportunities. With better regulations, small and large businesses can invest more, employ more Australians and deliver the best products and services.

Let’s keep Australia competitive by making it easier to do business.

The Government is taking a look at the red tape problem and we want to contribute to that process by finding some of the worst examples of unnecessary regulation.


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